A downloadable tool

This tool allows the user to select a county within the state of Georgia, or Georgia itself, to view its current COVID-19 related statistics.

The statistics provided per county are the following:
Population, cases, deaths, percent of infected that have died, Georgia population that lives within that county, and the percent of total Georgian cases that are within that county.

The overall state statistics that are provided are the following:
Counties with at least one case, total population that lives within an infected county, and percentage of population that lives within those counties.

Currently, because the percentages of sick and dead are low in comparison to healthy, the pie chart isn't great at showing a specific slice until it gets to about 4%.  Sorry for that inconvenience.  As I continue messing around with it, I hope to fix this issue.

Website used for population numbers: https://www.georgia-demographics.com/counties_by_population
Website used for COVID-19 numbers: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/georgia-coronavirus-cases.html


COVIDInGA.exe 38 kB

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